When creating classes manually, as shown in How do I create a class in Oxford Digital?, assigning a digital product will be a compulsory step in the process. However, when uploading classes in bulk, assigning digital products needs to happen once class data has been imported.
During our peak operating period (Jan - March) when overnight upload deferrals are turned on to help manage increased server requests, Oxford Customer Service agents will have created classes on your behalf but cannot add products until the following day.
These classes will appear in your 'Manage Classes' dashboard with a warning: "No title selected! Please click here to select a title."
Assigning a digital product is crucial in being able to access your class data, assign resources for out-of-school-hours work and view student reports.
In the scenario where this has not yet been actioned, you can easily add the product you will be using for your class so you can get started using your digital classroom.
**Please note: Adding a teacher version of a product will not give students any access to teacher resources. Access type is determined at an account level.**
If you are an Oxford Digital admin for your school, you will be able to view all classes that have been created. If you are not an admin, you will only see the classes in which you are listed as a teacher. For admins, it may help to use the filter tools to find relevant classes.
Once you have found the class, click the warning that reads, "No title selected! Please click here to select a title" (shown on the image above)
It will open the product management window, which will only show the products you have been provisioned, or products your school has access to. These will likely be listed for you as "Teacher obook assess", though some older titles may only include the title.
During this process, you can select more than one product, which is useful if you are teaching a composite class. We will be using 'Biology for QLD an Australian Perspective Units 1&2 3E Teacher obook assess'
Click the downward arrow next to the resource title to view the product thumbnail. To the right of the product line, click the tick icon, which will turn green when selected.
Should you need to deselect the product, click the red cross.
Then click Save.
The window will close and the product will now be listed with the class.
To add or remove products from your class, click the spanner icon in Classes Overview to manage the class (pictured above).
Once viewing the class internally, click the spanner icon again (pictured below) to bring up your list of available resources. Select or deselect as required.