You can create and manage groups from within the Class Detail Follow these steps to create and manage your groups:
1. In the Classes Overview page find the class whose groups you want to manage. Then click on the blue spanner icon in the Manage Class column. You’ll be navigated to the Class Detail page for that class.
2. In the Class Detail page, select the Manage Groups button.
3. In the Manage Groups window, choose a title from the drop-down menu. This is because Groups are created against each product, so that you can use the same groups (should you choose to) in all the classes that are linked to the same product. Then select an option from the next drop down window.
If you have previously created any groups, they will appear at the bottom of this list. Alternatively you can create new groups by selecting Add a new group.
Select a group from the dropdown menu to apply to students in the class. Click the icon next to any student name to add them to the group you selected in the drop down menu. To remove a student from a group, click the cross icon next to their name. Click Apply to save changes.
4. The dashboard in the Class Detail screen will now display the total number of groups you have active in the class.