The class list is a useful document for planning the transition from one school year to the next and you can export class lists from Oxford Owl. The list contains all the class information including the year, level and class names as well as a list of all members (teacher and students) enrolled in each class.
When you export a class list, a CSV file is generated which includes either all classes or just your own classes for the school year you have chosen in the Year filter. Save this file to your computer. This list can be used to upload new students and teachers at the start of the year, or to move existing members into new classes in bulk at the start of the year (see the ‘create multiple classes in bulk’ section in the Create classes and add students article).
1. In your Library, click either the School Admin tab or the School Admin button on your 'Quick Links' menu.
2. In the Classes Overview page, use the filters to select the calendar year whose class list you wish to export. You can also use the Show filter to choose to export either all classes for your school, or just your own classes.
3. Once you have made your filter selections, click the Export A CSV file will now download. Save this file to your computer.