Log in as a Teacher
1. The 5-tab system that was previously used has been streamlined into a new 3-tab system.
Assigned Resources
2. Through the Book tab you can view the assigned resources for any class, group or student.
3. Teachers can select the cross to remove it from the list, or after due date it will automatically move down to the completed resources section.
4. After a resource has been either completed, or marked as completed, it will appear under Completed resources.
5. The RESOURCES tab now contains the contents menu on the left-hand side. This provides an easy way to filter resources by chapter or topic.
6. Teacher resources can be accessed at the chapter level, or by using the Teacher Resources drop-down menu on the left-hand side.
7. Each chapter now contains a 10-question pre-test, linked to the Are you ready> sections, and a 20 question post-test, linked to the chapter reviews.
- Only students’ first attempt will be recorded in the Markbook, accessible by selecting the MARKBOOK tab.
- Teachers can attempt the test as many times as they like.
8. The Markbook can also be viewed at chapter or topic level by using the contents menu on the left-hand side.
9. The Overview Markbook is displayed as the default view. This shows the post-test results for each chapter.
10. The Markbook can also be viewed at chapter level by using the contents menu on the left-hand side.
11. You can add in your own assessment marks by selecting Add new assessment.
- Student marks can be entered by selecting the appropriate cell.
12. Comments on individual students can be added by selecting Add new comment.
13. By selecting a student’s name, you can view their progress report for that level of the markbook (overview, chapter or topic).
- Clicking on Class average will toggle the visibility of the class average in the progress report.
- Progress reports can be downloaded as PDF’s.