What can I do to ensure optimum performance and data processing?
1. It is recommended that your cache is cleared via your web browser regularly. The process to do this varies slightly depending on the web browser.
What are the main navigation features?
1. There are three tabs at the top left: LESSONS – contains all the book’s topics and related resources; RESOURCES – houses all the topic-related resources as well as teacher planning and assessment resources; and MARKBOOK – this is the hub where all the Markbook data is recorded and accessible.
2. The contents list/navigation bar appears on the left of the screen. A resource filter appears on the far-right of the screen.
3. All the student resources are housed within each topic. Teachers have access to all three online quizzes per topic as well as the online post-test, but not the online pre-test.
How can I access the teacher notes?
1. The teacher notes appear as tiles within each topic of the LESSON tab, or as a group of tiles from the ‘Teacher resources’ drop-down menu.
How can I see a class overview in the Markbook?
1. Click on the MARKBOOK tab, then select a class to view and track results.
2. The first table that will appear is the class overview of all units, however this may not be useful until a whole unit has been completed. (At this point, it’s quite handy to minimise the Oxford Maths banner by clicking on the white arrow in the top-right corner of the grey panel. This will make the screen more easily readable.) There will also be a graph showing the class average.
How can I see a student overview in the Markbook?
1. To see a students’ overview, teachers can click on a student name in the overview table, or from the drop-down menu above the table. From here, teachers can view results and download a progress report by unit, with a graph mapping the students’ results to the class average and a list of results of the online tests within every topic of every unit.
Can I export student results?
1. Teachers can click on ‘Export results’ to send results to an Excel CSV.
How can I see a class unit overview in Markbook?
1. Click on a unit to drill down into the topics within that unit – teachers will see the class results for pre-tests, i.e. the group allocation of S, A or E for ‘Support’, ‘At-standard’ and ‘Extension’, and for the appropriate quiz and post-test. There is a scroll bar at the bottom of this screen to help teachers move along the units and topics.
How can I see a student unit overview in Markbook?
1. To see a students’ single unit progress, teachers can click on a student name in the table, or from the drop-down menu above the table. Again, teachers have the ability to download a progress report for the unit with a graph mapping the students’ results to the class average and a list of results of the online tests within every topic of the unit.
- Note: The class average can be removed from view in a graph by clicking on ‘Class average’ at the bottom of the graph.
How can I see a class topic overview in Markbook?
1. Click on a single topic to drill down further – teachers will see the results for pre-tests (i.e. the group allocation of S, A or E for ‘Support’, ‘At-standard’ and ‘Extension’), the appropriate quiz and the post-test. Teachers can override the learning group automatically assigned by the online pre-test. Teachers can export results, add comments and create custom assessments (covered later in this document).
How can I see a student topic overview in Markbook?
1. To see a students’ single topic progress, teachers can click on a student name in the table, or from the drop-down menu above the table. Teachers have the ability to download a progress report for the topic with a graph mapping the students’ results to the class average and a list of results of the online tests within every topic of the unit.
2. Teachers can click on the student name to view and download a progress report for a single topic and a list of results of the online assessments within the topic.
3. Teachers can also see the online practice quiz and post-test with student answers if they click on the student result from the Markbook results table. This cannot be done with the pre-tests.
Can I create custom assessments?
1. Click on ‘Add new assessment’ to create, track and record a customised assessment, such as a poster on fractions. This is best done at the topic view. It can be used to record class observations, second attempts at the practice quizzes and post-tests, and more.
2. The ‘Display title’ will be shown in the Markbook.
3. Click ‘Grading scheme’ to choose from a letter grade (A–F), percentage (0–100%), numerical mark or free text. This will be shown in the Markbook.
4. The custom assessment will show up as a column (see far right column below) with a clickable function next to each student where teachers can record the mark.
How do the pre-tests work?
1. The pre-test is used to sort students into one of three learning groups – Support, At-standard, or Extension – as per the Oxford Maths learning sequence. Students will not see the result of their pre-test.
2. A pre-test can be completed in two ways:
a. A teacher can administer the print version of the pre-test to a student and manually assign a learning level into the Markbook. This can be done by clicking into the pre-test cell of a particular student and selecting one of the three learning groups from the drop-down list.
b. The student can complete the online pre-test, which will automatically assign a learning level to that student.
3. A teacher cannot see the online pre-test that a student completes. If in any doubt that the student has been automatically placed into an inappropriate learning group, they can use the print pre-test to confirm and, if necessary, change the online result by clicking on the result in the table, and changing the learning group.
Can I use a print post-test?
1. Teachers have the ability to administer the print version of the post-test to students and manually enter the results into the Markbook. This can be done by clicking into an empty post-test cell of a particular student and adding the result.
Please note the following:
- The scores in the post-test are weighted. Refer to the grading guide available on the Teacher Dashboard for more information.
- The student’s results need to be entered as a whole number percentage.
- If a student has completed an online post-test, the teacher cannot override the result.
- If a student subsequently completes the online version of a post-test after the teacher has already entered a manual print-based mark, this action will not override their original print test result. They can, however, change the result in this case if they wish to.
What does the small chain link symbol on a tile mean?
1. The small chain link symbol in the bottom left corner of some resource tiles on the teacher dashboard allows teachers to email the resource directly to students.
What does the stop sign symbol on a tile mean?
1. The stop sign symbol in the top-left of a tile indicates that the resource is hidden from students.
What does the small arrow in the top-right corner of the grey panel do?
1. Teachers can click on the small arrow in the top-right corner of the grey panel to minimise the Oxford Maths banner heading. Note: The banner will completely disappear from view in all the tabs from this point onwards, e.g. the landing screen in the LESSONS tab will be blank, until teachers click on the arrow again, which will restore it to view.
How do I access and use the student book?
1. To view the student book at full-screen size, click on ‘Get started’ or on the book page at the top of the screen.
- Use the side arrows to scroll through the pages.
- Use the ‘Resources’ icon to access resources for this page/topic (students can see them but can’t access them until the pre-test is completed).
- Use the ‘Quizzes’ icon to access the online assessments – pre-test, quiz and post-test – for this page/topic (students can see them but can’t access them until the pre-test is completed, and note that they can’t get back into the pre-test once it’s been completed).
- Click on ‘Add a note’ to create notes.
- Click on ‘Notes’ to see all your notes on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Click on ‘Bookmark’ to bookmark a page.
- Click on ‘Oxford Dictionary’ for full dictionary access.
- Click on the cross in the top-right corner to close the full-page view.
How can I access the notes, bookmarks, dictionary and search function?
1. Students can access the notes, bookmarks, dictionary and search function by clicking on the top-right section at any time.