We have two activation models currently which will affect secondhand book purchases.
Codes inside our secondary textbooks published after this date can be re-activated for a fee if they are not currently activated in the calendar year. If the code in your secondhand book has been activated in the current year (ie after January 1) by the original owner and they have then on-sold to you, you will need to either contact the seller to have them deactivate the product, or purchase a new code at oup.com.au.
See the links below for instructions to re-activate a secondhand code:
How to purchase an obook using a secondhand activation code
How to purchase an obook renewal licence for an expired product
Reactivation carries a fee, which will vary depending on the product. Please refer to your OUP rep or your school's booklist provider for the specific price.
Codes inside our secondary textbooks published before this date will typically reset/expire on December 31st each year, which leaves the same code available to be reactivated by another user as of January 1st. Reactivation is free of charge under this model.
Note that if you activate after January, you will have access until December 31 of the same year. If you activate between September and December, you will have access until December 31 the following year.
If the code in your second hand book has been activated in the current year (ie after January 1) by the original owner and they have then on-sold to you, you will need to either contact the seller to have them deactivate the product, or purchase a new code at oup.com.au.
For instructions on how to activate a new digital obook, please see the below link: