If you have used the bulk Upload Class List option to create classes and new student / teacher accounts, then once the upload is complete you will need to link each new class with a product/s. If you have created classes individually using the +Create Class button, you do not need to do this step as the product is added as part of that workflow.
A class which doesn’t have a specific product linked to it looks like this (below). Note the error message displayed next to the class name, which states that no title has been selected for the class:
To associate a title with a class, follow these steps:
1. Click the ‘no title selected’ error message to launch the Manage Class Products
2. Scroll through the list of products to find the title/s you wish to link to your class. To select a product, click the blue arrow to expand and then select the specific title from the expanded list by clicking the grey arrow. Once selected, the arrow will turn green to confirm it has been selected. Select the red cross icon to remove a title.
Note: in most cases, only one title is available for selection within a product. However if you have purchased a value pack product, then you will have several titles to choose from within a product. You can link as many titles (from within as many products) as you like to a class. If you can’t find the product you’re looking for listed, this means you do not have an active subscription for the product in your own Library or your school has not purchased a school license. Please contact the Oxford Customer Service team or your School’s Bookseller to request a subscription.