Certain products are invoiced exclusively by the UK. If your school is wanting to access their invoices and statements, you can set up an account with BillerDirect with the following procedure.
For any queries or assistance with this process, please contact credit.au@oup.com.
Detailed Instructions
Registering an account
Go to billerdirect.oup.com
Click the blue Register Here button.
Fill in the form as seen below:
For security purposes the username needs to be a minimum of 8 characters long, containing upper and lowercase, full stop and a number, for example – John.Smith1
We suggest the school name, then .1
I.e. KidsPrimary.1
Email address
Confirm email address
See below for password restrictions.
You will be asked for address and contact details further down the form. These are required as an anti-fraud measure. Please nominate a contact to field any correspondence from BillerDirect regarding your account.
Per the screenshot above, you will need to include your account number, located on the top left-hand corner of all OUP UK invoices.
Accept the Terms and Conditions and click Register.
You will be taken to the confirmation screen. Click Log Out.
You will then receive an email asking you to validate your email address.
Click on the link included in the email.
You will then receive a second email confirming your account validation.
Once this has been confirmed, a day or so later, you may receive an emailed statement.
Accessing your account
Use your login details to access your account by going to billerdirect.oup.com
The account landing page will look similar to the following.
Note: as this is a functioning account, some details have been omitted.
Your School /Account name will be under Account Name, and you can filter using the Time Period.
You can click on Copy Invoices/Credit Notes on the left side under Statements, and you will see the below screen.
If you go over to the right-hand side to Actions, you will be able to download any invoice you want to pdf and print.