As with the previous version of Oxford Digital for secondary, teachers are able to create, assign and manage assignments to collect student data on key learning points in the syllabus. Now, finding and assigning resources for your assignments is easier than ever with two ways to choose from.
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Method 1: assigning from a lesson
Method 2: assigning from the resource list
Method 1: assigning from a lesson
The following example is based on a pre-release prototype of the Oxford Digital Experience and may be subject to changes once the final version is live.
Part A
When opening your obook for the first time in a session you will be presented with the title's landing page.
Go to 'Course' listed in the left bar menu.
From the drop-down menu, select the module (and lesson) you would like to assign work from. To access lessons under modules, click the drop-down arrow.
Select the lesson you want.
Open the lesson so that you land on the lesson overview.
Part B
Click on 'Resources' in the left bar menu.
This will bring you to a filtered display of resources which have been categorised into lessons. This is indicated by the highlighted yellow button near the top of the page. You can toggle between the filtered list and the full list of resources as you wish, though the filter will not change unless you go back to the course and select a different lesson.
For this example we will select 'Analyse this: Romulus and Remus'.
Click the three dots to expand options for the resource, then click 'Assign'.
This will open a pop-up within the platform to the right of your screen.
Step 1
From this point, you can select additional resources for the assignment, or remove them from the list using the red cross. Once you have finalised your resources, click 'Next: Set date'.
Step 2
Click on the calendar icons to select a start and end date for the assignment. Alternatively, you can check 'No end date' for a perpetual assignment. Once finalised, click 'Next: Select Students'.
Step 3
Step 3 will list all the available classes for assignment. You will need to select one or more to bring up the list of students available.
As a side note, if a teacher has created groups within their class, they will present in a cascade list once you select that class. If you do not select a class, the setting will be automatically be '(ungrouped)'.
For this example we will use class year 10, with students ungrouped (that is, individual students).
All students will be automatically selected.
Click 'Confirm'.
Step 4
Read through the details of your assignment. You will need to scroll to view the full summary.
At the bottom of the summary, there will be an option to send email notifications to the student list. Unchecking the box will not send a notification.
Click 'Confirm'.
You can now close the pop-up.
Method 2: assigning from the resource list
Part 1
From the landing page, go directly to 'Resources' in the left bar menu.
You will be presented with an unfiltered list of all available resources from the the teacher obook.
You can toggle between list-view and tile-view according to your preferences.
Near the top of the resource list you have multiple options to search for relevant resources. From left to right:
- Search
- Tags
- Options hidden under 'More filters' (outlined)
- Table of contents
- Select a resource type
- Select a sub-type
- Hidden for students (button)
- Clear filters (hides 'More filters')
The most helpful may be under 'More filters', which allows you to filter by module and lesson.
Once you have found the resource you would like to assign, you can select that resource specifically by clicking the three dots and 'Assign' to trigger the assignment process.
Alternatively, you can click 'Assign at the top of the page to select multiple resources.
Simply click 'Add to assign' to add them to the list.
Part B
Identical to Method 1. Follow the prompts to assign these resources to your class. See Part B, Step 1 in Method 1 for details.
Viewing Assignments
Once you have created your assignment you can view and edit the details by going to 'Assigned work' in the left bar menu on your screen.